Haven’t posted in a while but I have been busy. I have been working on my presentation for the intro for 3D printing and I am almost done with those. I will post the files once I get the done.
I made another successful order from http://www.makexyz.com/. This time it was for two custom cookie cutters. I designed them myself based on supplied photos. They came out great. I am thinking that a custom cookie cutter might be a quick and easy demonstration for the 3D printing presentation.
I have another order in the works to print a Mendel. This is fantastic I was looking forward to when I printed another printer with my printer (would this be considered 3D printer reproduction?).
Any way enjoy the cookie cutters.
Step 1 is to sketch the design out. As you can see once I had one I just duplicated it and scaled to make 4 designs. Outer most and inner most define the flange around the top of the cutter for stability and a flat area to press on. the inner two define the cutter.

Step 2 extrude the design to the appropriate height:

Now print:

As a side note I use netfabb studio (http://www.netfabb.com/) to calculate the volume here is what that looks like: