I have wanted to make an electric motor from scratch for quite a while now. But instead of just making a motor and hooking it to something like a fan I had an idea. What if the motor was integrated into the fan? I tossed around some ideas putting coils on a propeller blade and got hung up on making the brushes and commentators. I finally decided on doing a squirrel cage fan or if you want to get all scientifical a Centrifugal fan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centrifugal_fan.
With a bit of magic (sure come call it 3D printing) here is the rotor/fan wheel assembled with 30 turns of magnet wire wrapped longitudinal around each one making a total of 10 coils.
My plan for the commentators and brushes did not quite work out (this is prototyping after all) so I decided to redesign it and make it bigger and glue it on for now. I will reprint it in one piece once I get the design squared away.
Moving on to the all-important housing which I am still designing. I got the basic shape but I am still thinking about how to design the brushes mount and still print the thing in just two halves. Here is the basic shape I am looking at more to follow once I finalize the design and print it out.