On occasion I sign up for free samples when the some of the sites I follow (http://hackaday.com/, http://dangerousprototypes.com ) report on them. And on occasion I actually receive them. This time I got a sample of the Ti SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC3000 http://www.ti.com/product/cc3000.
The TI CC3000 module is a self-contained wireless network processor that simplifies the implementation of Internet connectivity. TI’s SimpleLink Wi-Fi solution minimizes the software requirements of the host microcontroller (MCU) and is thus the ideal solution for embedded applications using any low-cost and low-power MCU (ref. http://www.ti.com/product/cc3000)
The module does have a somewhat difficult footprint to work with for a non-professional:
But they have posted schematics for a eval board design. Hopefully I can take this and modify it to something that I can etch myself or possibly even get professionally done. There seems to be some great resources on the Ti wiki http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/CC3000. At $10 per unit (at 1ku) I do not think it will be long before we see lots of these available for all sorts of hacker projects considering adding Wi-Fi to a project still costs $30-50.